Sunday, February 19, 2012

Jeroboam...spiritual adultery in Israel


Spiritual Adultery is introduced to the Northern Kingdom part 1

When Solomon dies, his son Rehoboam is made king. Now Solomon had caused great prosperity to come to Israel. He expanded the kingdom, built the Temple along with other magnificent buildings, explored deep into Africa, traded around the known world, put in roads and was wealthy beyond compare. But the people were tired of all the taxes and all the work even though they too had prospered.

So when his son decides to raise the taxes even more there is rebellion in the land. That is when Jeroboam is picked by the discontented to lead them. The land is then divided between Northern and Southern kingdoms. This is when things go from bad to worse. In order to keep his subjects from visiting Jerusalem every year to offer sacrifices to the Lord, Jeroboam decides he will make two holy sites in his kingdom.

For today I want you to read the Scripture that deals with this crossroads in Israel’s history. And then I want us to use our imaginations and flesh out the characters.

Read: 1 Kings 11:26-12:33 and if you have time, the mirroring passage, 2 Chronicles 10.

Wow, talk about political intrigue, fighting for a cause, listening to bad advice and religious servitude all rolled into one.

I am going to tell you how I see Jeroboam and then I want you to take a turn at making him flesh and blood.

My name is Jeroboam and I am from the tribe of Ephraim. We are a proud lot, having been home to the Ark of the Covenant up until the time that King David took it to Jerusalem. And of course we know what a fiasco that was at first, what with a man dieing because they do not know how to move the Ark correctly. But eventually, King Solomon builds the Temple in Jerusalem and the Ark is there to stay.

Now I know King Solomon personally. I am strong and intelligent so I had been chosen by him to lead in a building project. Of course, with my natural talents at leadership, it is no wonder that Solomon begins to fear my popularity. What can I say, even as a youth, people have been drawn to me and are always asking me what should be done. It’s a curse to be so popular.

And then to make matters even trickier with the King, the old prophet comes to tell me that I have been chosen by God. You may well wonder what I had been chosen to do. With my talents it could have been anything, lead an army, become top advisor to the wisest king ever, become a mighty man of God. But I was even blown away when he tore his new clothes and told me to take 10 of the 12 pieces. I waited for him to explain as he told me I was to be king over 10 parts of Israel. Me! Even I could not have wished so highly. I could not wait to tell everyone what I had been promised. Maybe I should have kept it quiet, because King Solomon did not like the news nearly as much as I did.

That is why I went to Egypt for awhile. I sure like Egypt. What a wild life I had there and what friends I made while waiting until the King was dead and his son had started to rule. I was called back by the men that had served under me. They were so happy to see me and anxious about what the new king would do. So, as the leader I am, we set off to Shechem to meet with King Rehoboam. Being wise, I tell the king if he is fair with me and my followers we will serve him. And being not one to rush things I allow him to take 3 days to think it over.

Well I can tell you, King Rehoboam listened to the wrong people. The young guys he grew up with liked the rich and easy life, so they talked him into raising our taxes and making life even harder on us. Of course, I could not stand for that, so we are separating ourselves from Judah and forming our own kingdom. And who do you think is king of this kingdom? You are right…it is me! The prophet’s words are coming true.

But now I have my own decisions to make. I do not want us to be so intertwined with Judah. How do I keep my followers from going back to Jerusalem and following Rehoboam? If only the Temple were not there! As an Israelite we must worship God, but if I could change a couple of the rules, I would have more control of the people.

Now it is your turn. Write it any way you like. A list of attributes, a list of decisions made, compare Jeroboam to people you have known in leadership. Have fun!

Some questions to ponder and answer:
Who called Jeroboam to lead the 10 tribes?

Why was God angry with Solomon?

Why did Rehoboam not listen to his father’s advisors?

What is so enticing about listening to his peers instead?

God had said he would bless Jeroboam, if he followed His ways, why do you think Jeroboam set up his own form of worship?

Could time in Egypt (world) have led to some of the decisions that Jeroboam made?

Why were the people willing to follow Jeroboam even after he started the false worship?

Now we have the background to why there were 2 kingdoms in the time of Hosea. Not a very good start for either the Northern or Southern Kingdom. But God still has a plan to work out through these two separate kingdoms.

Solomon started out good, for that matter Jeroboam started out good and Rehoboam had a chance to start out good but they all failed to follow the Lord with their whole heart.

Any decisions you need to make today….Let’s lay them out before the Lord and seek His guidance in all things. Let’s end well!!!