Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hosea and Gomer--just wondering

After Hosea took Gomer to be his wife, it reads like boom, boom, boom, she had three babies; one right after the other. One would get weaned and then another would be on its way. Can you just imagine her, like so many women; all of a sudden her whole life is consumed with motherhood. She was young and desirable one minute and the next she is up to her eyeballs in diapers. Not the glamorous life she had thought marriage would be.

Let’s make Gomer human and think about her without finger pointing.
• Did Gomer know why Hosea had picked her to be his wife
• Did she want to get married or was she even part of the transaction
• Was motherhood difficult for her or what she had always wanted
• Did the stress of three babies prove to be too much for her
• Did she desire to feel beautiful again
• Was being desired by men more important than fulfilling the desires of her children
• Was she searching for her youth or fleeing from feeling old
• Did she ever see the error of her ways and come to her senses
• When she was bought back by Hosea, what then was her attitude to husband and children
• Did she finally find love and fulfillment with Hosea

In Gomer then, we see a woman not too different from many young ladies around us, even ourselves at times. Our society values youth and beauty over just about everything. The only thing that is close is wealth, but that carries a double edged sword. Wealth from being young and beautiful is OK, but wealth from hard work is not fair to those that did not get the chance.

We all know that in order to sell products, advertisers go out of their way to make the product look like it will be fun, exciting and cause us to be youthful and beautiful and exciting as well. Sex sells and keeping us young sells. Millions are spent to entice us into buying products and services that will give us that edge. How often do we compare ourselves to the models and feel like a failure because there is no way we can ever be that beautiful or young or thin or wealthy or whatever…..

I was thinking the other day about modern day whoredoms in the church. For the most part, churches themselves do not have sexual orgies although members may be involved in sex sins. But what the church has recently sold them over to is the prosperity religion. The name it and claim it crowd has brought their brand of religion into the church and sold its members a bill of goods that has caused many to stumble.

We have made God our Genie who will bring us the money we need as long as we make our wish properly. Just like Israel, we expect God to take care of us financially and keep us healthy when we call out to Him, because, after all, we are called by His name.

If idolatry is putting anything or anyone before God and spiritual adultery is giving credit to someone or something for what God has done, how does that affect us in our daily walk with God? Is it even necessary to know the difference or to understand this concept?

God says over and over in His Word, “Let those that have eyes to see, see and ears to hear, hear”. So I feel that I am here to bring some of these things to light so that they can be seen and dealt with; that the truth can be heard, so that the lie no longer has any power. Is it necessary to know the difference? Not really. What is important is that we realize that there is something holding us back and the only way to have victory is with the power of the Holy Spirit. We can never let anything be more important in our life than Jesus. We must always realize that it is God that is in control and all things come under His command. That is what this study will strive to teach.
• God is God
• There is none like God
• God is in control
• We are not God
• We will never be God
• Only God can satisfy
• All is for the glory of God
• God will do whatever it takes
• God’s goal is to show His glory

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