Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Reason for doing this study

What I am thinking about the Book of Hosea

We are called to love the Lord God with all our heart, soul, mind, body and spirit. So why do I feel like I need to be digging into this idea of spiritual adultery to present at retreat? Why is my emphasis on not turning, looking, going back? If we simply love the Lord the way we are supposed to, won’t we avoid any of the pitfalls I am studying about?

What is being impressed on me is that we are unable to do the things that we should or even want to because of our nature. We do not remember from moment to moment, let alone from day to day, what the Lord does for us. We may be thanking God one minute for healing us, but then the next we are trying to figure out how we are going to put food on the table. What had happened to our realization that everything comes for the Lord. That even our ability to work was a gift from Him.

And then there is the problem of sin and idolatry. We cannot go very long without falling into one or the other. We either say something that should not have been said. Think about something that should be avoided or we allow something to come between us and our love for Jesus, usually ourselves. We need constant reminders to get our eyes back on Jesus.

And now we add spiritual adultery into the mix. At first it seemed to me to be the same thing as idolatry and even though there are similarities, I am finding that there are subtle differences. They go hand in hand, but there is an attitude that is different. This is part of what we will be studying.

But again, why do I feel like this is necessary to study in such detail? What are the practical implications of this study and others we have or will do for our retreats? I am feeling that God has called us to get into the details, the minutia, and then share that with others so that they will have a foundation to work out their everyday living; that there will be an understanding for them as they try to love the Lord each and every day but fail. That God’s unfailing love will manifest in their lives and they will know that this is a lifelong process that can only be lived one day, one moment, at a time. There are no quick fixes, only eternal security in the one who created us.

Everything is the way it is in order for God’s glory to shine in every situation. We need Him constantly throughout the day to do and work in us. And when that happens, we and others see His glory. When we fail, we see His glory in His love for us. When we repent we see His glory in His forgiveness. When we are delivered we see His glory in His victory. When we go through difficulties we see His glory in His steadfastness and promises.

God created the world and humanity in such a way that things have to be the way they are; there is no way around it. There can never be a human utopia and we can never reach perfection while we live on this earth. It is completely and utterly impossible. That is why Jesus’ life is soooo unique. He lived a sinless life! We cannot even live a sinless day, unless of course, we are in a coma with no brain activity, but not much gets accomplished that way.

So I am feeling that some of us are called to get into the details and then share them with others. They then take a quick look, in comparison, and then can live their life more effectively for the Lord. Just as the Prophets were called to speak out the truth, the people had the choice then to believe and change or continue doing what they had been doing.

Our ministry is then similar to that of the prophets. To find the truth, to speak it out and pray for the results. We can do no more, and certainly we can do no less. This is a solemn responsibility, to be taken very seriously.

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