Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Week 1 Day 4 Love the Lord!

Week 1 Day 4 Love the Lord

Yesterday we were thinking about the Pharisees, who strived to keep the Law but had no room in their lives for mercy and compassion. Jesus was a daily irritation to them because here was a man that was genuinely good, who knew the Law better than anyone else, but then he would go and associate with tax collectors and sinners rather than spend time with them arguing about the minutiae of the Law. He completely upset the orderly world they were trying to live in.

Let’s see how Jesus answers when he was asked what he thought was the greatest commandment. Do you remember what his reply was? Look up Matt. 22:35-40 and write out his answer.

Now write out what Jesus says is the next commandment and next to the first in importance.

All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments. Jesus was saying that if we keep only these two then we are keeping them all. How is this even possible as there are hundreds and thousands of laws and statutes? In your own words explain how keeping these two commandments would make it possible for us to keep the entirety of the Law.

I can remember when my kids were little and I had sent them to clean up some toys they had been playing with. I was busy elsewhere and when I passed by the room I see them playing with something and so I remind them that if they take a few minutes and pick up their room then they can play. A few minutes later the conversation is repeated. And finally I walk by the room and still it is not clean and they are still messing around. As I step into the room, the kids look up and one of them says, ‘Mommy, I love you’ frustrated I look at them and I say, ‘you know if you really loved me, you would have picked up this room the first time I asked’. As I said the words I could feel the Holy Spirit give me a nudge…needless to say, I stopped yelling at the kids for not cleaning and made sure they were finished before I went back to doing what I was doing. Another life lesson learned about how I treat God taught to me by my kids. Ouch!

Back to Hosea, what do you now think of his obedience in following God and marrying a woman of harlotry? Why would a Pharisee never have done what Hosea did?

Why did God ask Hosea to marry a harlot? Look at the verse again to get a hint.
Hosea 1
2 When the LORD began to speak by Hosea, the LORD said to Hosea:
“ Go, take yourself a wife of harlotry
And children of harlotry,
For the land has committed great harlotry
By departing from the LORD.”

How does Hosea being obedient show that he loved God with his heart, mind, body, soul and spirit? How does it show he loved his neighbor as himself?

Why or how do the Pharisees fall short in keeping these commandments?

So thinking back to what we have discovered…mercy has to do with love and knowledge has to do with much more than just mental knowing…are you beginning to get a picture of what it is God is saying to His people. Take a moment and write out what the Spirit is saying to you through Hosea 6:6 in your own words. Now try giving examples of how this can personally apply to your life. (But remember, I am not talking about a list of dos and don’ts, I am wanting you to think about examples that cover all aspects of your life; body, soul, heart, mind, spirit and strength)

Why is loving God on just an emotional level not enough?

Do you tend to obey God like Hosea (wholeheartedly) or like the Pharisees (do things but no emotion) or like disobedient kids (saying I love you but no action)? Truthfully, we are usually a combination of all of the above. Try to think of an example of each. If none come to mind, ask the Holy Spirit to give some insight.

Do not beat yourself up for the lack of genuine obedience in your life. Instead, take the time now to ask God to help you to be more like Hosea and less like a Pharisee or a child each and every day. And when you do fall short, remember God has shown us mercy and it is possible to repent and then obey!

1 comment:

  1. I love Eugene Peterson's way of translating Matthew 22:37-40 in THE MESSAGE :
    Jesus said,"'Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.' This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it:'Love others as well as you love yourself.' These two commands are peg; everything in God's Law and the Prophets hangs from them."
